Journal of Geosciences, volume 68 (2023), issue 1
Original paper:
Eruptive and magmatic evolution of North Chamo Volcanic Field (southern Ethiopia)
Rapprich V, Janoušek V, Hroch T, Míková J, Erban V, Legesa F, Pécskay Z, Halodová P
Journal of Geosciences, volume 68 (2023), issue 1, pages 3 - 24
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Original paper:
From magmatic arc to a post-accretionary setting: Late Palaeozoic granitoid plutons in the northwestern Trans-Altai Zone, Mongolia
Hanžl P, Janoušek V, Hrdličková K, Buriánek D, Gerel O, Altanbaatar B, Hora JM, Čoupek P
Journal of Geosciences, volume 68 (2023), issue 1, pages 25 - 66
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Original paper:
Thermodynamics of the Cu, Zn, and Cu-Zn phases: zincolivenite, adamite, olivenite, ludjibaite, strashimirite, and slavkovite
Majzlan J, Števko M, Plášil J, Sejkora J, Dachs E
Journal of Geosciences, volume 68 (2023), issue 1, pages 67 - 80
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Original paper:
Fluorpyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3F, a new apatite-group mineral from Sukhovyaz Mountain, Southern Urals, and Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka
Kasatkin AV, Pekov IV, Škoda R, Chukanov NV, Nestola F, Agakhanov AA, Kuznetsov AM, Koshlyakova NN, Plášil J, Britvin SN
Journal of Geosciences, volume 68 (2023), issue 1, pages 81 - 93
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